LinkedIn and The Biggest Losers

February 8, 2016

"Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going!"

-Jillian Michaels, Red Team trainer on The Biggest Loser

Losers as of Feb 5th, 2016

The word Loser sounds so harsh. Tableau, LinkedIn, Splunk and Workday – all companies that we greatly admire – earned that dubious distinction on Friday. We’re just repeating what Bloomberg said. While most financial software vendors serve up backwards-looking comparative stats, EidoSearch looks forward.

Below is our projected price performance for LinkedIn showing an average return of positive 1.6% in the next five days, with a 70% likelihood of landing within the range of up 8.0% to down -5.4%.

Projected Range for LinkedIn in the Next 5 Days
lknd-chartOur forecasting approach: find similar conditions in history and use the outcomes associated with those times to form a return distribution. We make tens of thousands of projections each day, based on hundreds of millions of comparisons. By doing so, we convert raw data into information.

The value of vendors that provide backward looking views? It’s nice data, but I wouldn’t stare at their charts and tables for too long. You’re better off sorting an investment universe by statistics that pertain to the future.

That’s why we’re here. To provide a forward-looking view.

Have a great week.

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